Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024
Early Dismissal Day—1:30pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Isaiah Bland, Jr.
LOST & FOUND: See the box by Mrs. Larson’s room.
1. This week is F-S Homecoming! Dress Days & Activities for students are…
Wednesday-PK-6: Wacky/Mismatched Day
7-12: 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s Day
No Activity-Early Out Day
Thursday-PK-6: Hat Day
7-12: Country vs. Country Club Day; Minute to Win It Games (7-12)
Friday-PK-12--Patriot Spirit Day; Pep Rally & Parade @ MPCG (7-12)
2. There will be Lego Club for grades PK-6 on Thursday, 9/12 afterschool from 3:20-4:30! Mrs. Holcomb is ironing out the details so more info. soon!
3. Mrs. Suchor will be taking our 10th and 11th grade students to the Mayville State Career day on Monday, September 16-Students will leave at 9:30 and will be back for lunch.
4. We have an early dismissal day today…dismissing at 1:30. There will not be Afterschool Club today.
Wednesday, Sept. 11th: Early Dismissal Day—1:30pm
JH FB no practice
V/JV FB practice 4:00 @ MPCG-HS
JH VB no practice
C/JV/V VB practice 4:00 @ MPCG-HS
Thursday, Sept. 12th:
JH FB practice 4:00 @ MPCG-HS
V/JV FB practice 4:00 @ MPCG-HS
JH VB matches @ MPCG-HS vs Park River 4:30; lv @ 3:15
C/JV/V VB matches @ MPCG-HS vs Park River 4:45; lv @ 3:15
Friday, Sept. 13th:
JH FB practice 4:00 @ MPCG-HS
V/JV FB game vs LaMoure @ MaSU 7:00
JH VB practice 6:00am @ MPCG-PBJ
C/JV/V VB practice 6:00am @ MPCG-HS
Saturday, Sept. 14th:
8th Gr VB Tourney @ Larimore TBA
JV VB Tourney @ Central Valley 9:00; lv @ 7:00
Breakfast & Lunch this week:
Wednesday: Breakfast Sandwiches / Ham & Cheese Sandwiches and Chicken Noodle Soup
Thursday: Donut Twists / Spaghetti & Garlic Sticks
Friday: Monkey Bread / Baked Potato Bar