Happy birthday to:
Some of you still have to turn in the Family Info. Form and your Parent-Student Handbook back page that requires signatures. Please get those turned in it to the office today!
Senior-Parent Recognition for Volleyball will be this Thursday, Sept. 10th in Finley vs North Border.
Assignment books are available to anyone who would like one. Stop by the office window, if you’d like one.
Sophomores & Seniors: Josten’s orders are to be turned in to the office by this Thurs., Sept. 10th.
There will be a Student Council meeting today during lunch. All class presidents and vice presidents, please grab lunch and meet in the FACS room for the meeting. (Kiaza & Jori, Gage & Joe, Brooks & Damien, Drake & Jillian, Doug & Kavan, Beth & Molly)
Activities this Week:
Tuesday, 9/8:
JH FB @ Hope vs MVE 4:30; leave right afterschool
V FB practice @ Hope 4:00
JH VB matches @ Enderlin 4:30; leave F-S @ 2:20
JV/V VB matches @ Page vs Enderlin 6:00; leave F-S @ 4:30
Elem VB matches @ Northern Cass 4:30; leave F-S @ 3:00
Wednesday, 9/9:
JH/V FB practice @ Hope 4:00
JH VB practice @ Hope 4:00
JV/V VB practice @ Finley 4:00
Elem VB practice @ Page 4:00
Thursday, 9/10:
JH/V FB practice @ Hope 4:00
JH VB practice @ Hope 4:00
JV/V VB matches @ Finley vs North Border 6:00-Senior-Parent Rec. Night!
Elem VB practice @ Page 4:00
Friday, 9/11:
V FB at Mayville 7:00 (Mayville State field); leave F-S 4:30
JH FB practice @ Hope 4:00
JH VB practice @ Hope 4:00
JV/V VB practice @ Finley 4:00
Elem VB practice @ Page 4:00
Breakfast / Lunch this Week:
Tuesday, 9/8: Mini Donuts / Hamburgers
Wednesday, 9/9: Waffle Sticks / Chicken Noodle Hotdish
Thursday, 9/10: Breakfast Sandwiches / Spaghetti
Friday, 9/11: Funnel Cakes / Pizza Sticks