Happy birthday to:
*Remember to get all forms turned in to the office this week!
*Senior-Parent Recognition for Volleyball will be tonight in Finley vs North Border. Game Concessions will be limited to pop, water, Powerade, packaged candy & peanuts, and beef jerky.
*School Pictures will be next Monday, Sept. 14th. We will start with pre-schoolers from 8:00-8:30. Mrs. Anderson has a schedule that we will post soon. Remember to bring your order forms; extras are available in the File Center across from the office.
*Next week is Homecoming Week! Dress up days are as follows for grades 7-12…
Monday- Picture Day/Formal Day
-JH FB @ Hope vs Larimore 4:30
-JH VB @ Oriska 4:30
Tuesday-Class Color Day -Seniors-black, Juniors-grey, Sophomores-Blue, Freshmen-White,
8th Grade-Green, 7th Grade- Orange
-JV/V VB @ F-S vs Larimore 6:00 – F-S Coronation before V matches!
-Elem VB @ Page vs NC 4:30
Wednesday- Pajama Day
Thursday-Mismatch Day
-JH/V/V VB @ F-S vs HCV 4:00
Friday- Spartan Spirit Day for grades K-12
-V FB @ Hope vs Richland 7:00
-Elem VB @ Page vs MV 4:30
*Assignment books are available to anyone who would like one. Stop by the office window to pick one up!
*Sophomores & Seniors: Josten’s orders are to be turned in to the office today. Remember that the Spirit Package will be covered, but you will owe for anything you order beyond that.
*Reminder Elementary Students—because of the colder temps, we should not be wearing flip flops, slides or sandals now!
Activities this Week:
Thursday, 9/10:
JH/V FB practice @ Hope 4:00
JV/V VB matches @ Finley vs North Border 6:00-Senior-Parent Rec. Night!
Elem VB practice @ Page 4:00
Friday, 9/11:
V FB at Mayville 7:00 (Mayville State field); leave F-S 5:20
JH FB NO PRACTICE (No Friday practices for the rest of the season)
JH VB practice @ Hope 4:00
JV/V VB practice @ Finley 4:00
Elem VB practice @ Page 4:00
Breakfast / Lunch this Week:
Thursday, 9/10: Breakfast Sandwiches / Spaghetti
Friday, 9/11: Muffin Tops / Pizza Sticks
Monday, 9/14: Apple Frudels / Pulled Pork Sandwiches
Tuesday, 9/15: Breakfast Egg Rolls / Turkey Gravy over Biscuits
Wednesday, 9/16: Donut Twists / Corn Dogs & Potato Smiles
Thursday, 9/17: Pancake Sticks / Pizza
Friday, 9/18: Blueberry Muffins / Taco in a Bag