It’s Fire Prevention Week!
Happy birthday to: Jori Jerstad on Saturday, Bryson Kirk on Sunday!
*Remember to check out all of the Fire Prevention activities & resources at the URL above.
*Congrats, girls, on your wins at Minto last night!
Activities this Week:
Friday, 10/9:
V FB game @ Buffalo 7:00; leave F-S @ 4:30
JH VB practice @ Hope 4:00
JV/V VB practice @ Page 4:00
Elem GBB practice @ Finley 4:00
Monday, 10/12:
V FB practice @ Hope 4:00
JH Football @ Hope vs. Richland 4:30; Leave from F-S 3:30
JH Volleyball matches @ Northwood 7th 4:00, 8th at 5:00; lv from F-S 2:50
JV/V Volleyball matches @ Northwood 7:00; lv from F-S 5:00
Elem Girls BB practice in Page 4:00
Breakfast / Lunch this Week:
Friday, 10/9: Breakfast Burritos /Lasagna
Monday, 10/12: Breakfast Sandwiches / Hamburgers
Tuesday, 10/13: Apple Turnovers / Chicken Nuggets
Wednesday, 10/14: Breakfast Eggrolls / Knoephla Hotdish
Thursday, 10/15: Breakfast Cake / Fried Chicken
Friday, 10/16: Blueberry Muffin Tops / Stroganoff