Mayville State University Virtual STEM Carnival
Many area families look forward to the MaSU STEM Carnival each year but this year brings new considerations for the STEM Carnival. MaSU takes the health and safety of the communities we serve very seriously and chose to offer a virtual event this year.
Videos and Lessons to do with children are available on the Mayville State website. If you want to complete a lesson at home and need ANY of the materials please contact Jeni Peterson at: New videos will be added periodically throughout the fall, so check back from time to time. If you have an experiment or activity you would like to share, please contact Jeni!
Click here to find grade-level prepared videos and resources: Virtual STEM Carnival
All kits and supplies used in the videos can be requested through the MSU library, or by contacting:
We hope that these STEM activities will be enjoyed both at home and at school!