Finley-Sharon and MPCG students donned their best camo, while cheering on the MPCG Volleyball teams at the matches at the Finley-Sharon School on Sept. 28th!
Congrats to Kiaza Carlson, who placed 51st out of 175 runners at the Varsity Cross Country Meet at Jamestown this past Saturday! The next meet will be at Mayville's Golf Course this Thursday, Sept. 30th, beginning at 4:00pm. Good luck to all of the runners!
Tues., Sept. 28th: Patriot 7th, 8th, C, JV, & Varsity Volleyball at Finley-Sharon vs Larimore, beginning at 3:30pm. Close Up will be serving food in the FACS room and concessions will be available, along with popcorn being sponsored by Citizens State Bank. Matches will be broadcast on KMAV 105.5 FM or listen here...
Mon., Sept. 27th: JH FB at MPCG-HS vs Nelson County 4:30pm
Thank you to everyone who made our 2021 Finley-Sharon Homecoming a success! Congratulations to all of our winners! It was a great week!
Sat., Sept. 25th: Cross Country Meet at Jamestown 11:00am. Good luck, runners!
It's been a great Homecoming Week! See photos of all of the activities here...
It's always great seeing Finley-Sharon Alumni pursuing their dreams! This is Payton Braun ('20) on Wednesday, giving us the weather in Grand Forks!
Fri., Sept. 24th: Spartan Varsity FB @ Hope vs Hatton-Northwood 7:00pm Homecoming Royalty will be introduced at half-time. Watch live @ Good luck, Spartans!
Congratulations to Douglas Geier, our 2021 Homecoming King! (Official Homecoming hat band made by the talented Mrs. Marita Erman!)
Practice for 5th & 6th grade Boys Basketball will begin on Oct. 11th. An informational meeting will be held at MPCG-HS on Oct. 5th at 5:30pm.
More info. can be found at the link below.
Please mark your calendars! Picture Retake Day has been scheduled for Friday, Oct. 15th...9:30am. This is for anyone who missed our original picture day or anyone wishing to retake their first picture. Preschoolers may also come for pictures at that time. Order information is here!
Tues., Sept. 21st: 7th/8th VB matches at Enderlin 4:30/5:30pm Good luck, girls!
Mon., Sept. 20th: JH FB @ Cooperstown 4:30pm Good luck, boys!
Reminder...Homecoming dress days Monday-Thursday are for grades 7-12. Grades K-6 may participate in Spirit Day on Friday, Sept. 24th!
Fri., Sept. 17th: V FB game vs MPCG at Mayville State's field 7:00pm. The MPCG Booster Club will be hosting another tailgate meal, with serving to begin at 5:30. (Hamburgers on a Soholt bun, chips, bar, and water for $6.)
Good luck, Spartans!
The MPCG Booster Club's clothing apparel store is now open! Just click the link to go shopping! The store will close on Wednesday, September 22nd. Like everything else that is in shorty supply, we've found that so is the apparel items that are used in the online stores. If you are thinking of ordering a family member some Patriot clothing as a Christmas gift, this is probably the time to place the order!
Tues., Sept. 14th: C/JV/V VB matches @ MPCG HS vs Cavalier 5:00/6:15/7:15- BON FIRE/PEP RALLY at the BOWL after VB matches (approximately 9:00pm) All students & parents are welcome!
Tues., Sept. 14th: 7th & 8th grade VB matches @ MPCG-PBJ vs Cavalier 4:00/5:00 Good luck, girls!
Mon., Sept. 13th: 7th & 8th grade VB matches @ MPCG-PBJ vs HCV - 4:30 & 5:30pm Good luck, girls!