Life Jacket Loaner Program info.!
Leave times for Athletics for Thursday, May 16th and Friday, May 17th--
Track practice- Leave at 3:15 (Doug)
JH/V Softball @ Hillsboro- Leave at 2:15 (Mrs. Kenfield)
JH Baseball vs. Grand forks- leave at 3:15 (Doug)
Baseball @ Langdon- Leave at 12:40 (Lucas)
Track @ Hillsboro- Leave at 12:00 (Mr. Kenfield)
Baseball practice- Leave at 3:20 (Mrs. Kenfield)
Softball practice- Leave at 3:20 (Mrs. Kenfield)
Baseball -- TBD-- check with your coaches/HEJA (Lucas)
Softball-- TBD-- check with your coaches/HEJA (Mrs. Kenfield)
Good reminders!!
Just a reminder that many forms have been sent home with students in the last week or so. They are all here, in case you missed something!
Congrats to the Finley-Sharon Elementary Students who reached their goal of 100 or more Accelerated Reader Points! Great job, Annabelle H. (231.1), Kinley R. (119.1), Briella C. (114.3), & Delphine H. (316)!! They were each treated to a special cookie made by Mrs. Stephanie Dale.
Finley-Sharon 6th graders, Carsyn B., Briella C., & Macie L. enjoyed an afternoon of fishing at Lynch Lake today. Lucky for them, it was a sunny day & the fish were biting!
Finley-Sharon Senior Spotlight--Damien Evenson, son of Doug & Bressha Evenson
Parents are reminded that all bills (Milkbreak, Lunch, & Afterschool Club) will need to be paid by end of day on the last day of school--May 15th. Log in to PowerSchool to see Milkbreak & Lunch balances or call the school at 701 524-2420. Afterschool Club bills will be sent home on Mon., May 13th. We appreciate your help & cooperation!
It was a big day of rehearsal for the entire cast! We are ready for tomorrow's performance...
Fri., May 10th at 1:30pm in the Babinski Gym. Admission is free, so "Come One! Come All!"
There will be Baccalaureate for our upcoming Finley-Sharon Graduates, Layne Anderson, Dusty Moore, Damien Evenson, Craig Anderson, Jr., Brooks Braun, Emmy Hasbargen on Wed., May 15th at 7:00pm at Finley Lutheran Church. Everyone is welcome! Congrats, 2024!
The NDSU Extension & Finley Library have great summer activities planned for the kids. Be sure to send them!
Summer T-Ball info. is here!
NDSU Extension of Steele County is sponsoring a Fashion Show on June 7th! See the details here!
Today, the entire cast worked hard to prepare for Friday's performance. The Minis (Mini Court, Mini Knights, & Mini Squires) and the Damsels & Camelotians are pictured from their rehearsal!
Finley-Sharon families--there will be info. regarding Finley Pool summer swimming and swimming lessons sent home with students today. The Finley Improvement Association is offering to cover the cost of swimming lessons & family passes to Finley-Sharon students in K-12. Return the form to the school office by May 15th.
Finley-Sharon Senior Spotlight--Layne Anderson, son of Craig & Carrie Anderson & Torina Messner.
All are welcome to join us as we celebrate our Kindergarteners--Wed., May 15th!
The Finley-Sharon students are half-way through their rehearsals for the upcoming performance of "King Arthur's Quest." Everyone is welcome to attend the show on Friday, May 10th at 1:30pm at the Babinski Gymnasium! Please note: A photo session will be held after the show, so no flash photos during the performance. Also, King Arthur's Quest t-shirts are available for purchase from the MCT directors for $18.00 each. Debit & Credit Cards only, please.
Photos-Directors: Amanda Halcott & Hans Pfrang, Assistant Directors: Ryot Evenson & Reonnah Gourneau, King Arthur: Cove Harris, Merlin: Delphine Harris, Taleisin: Paxton, Raven: Teddy Carlson
Finley-Sharon Senior Spotlight--Emmy Hasbargen, daughter of Zach & Alecia Neva and Ryan Hasbargen