Congrats to the Finley-Sharon Elementary Students who reached their goal of 100 or more Accelerated Reader Points! Great job, Annabelle H. (231.1), Kinley R. (119.1), Briella C. (114.3), & Delphine H. (316)!! They were each treated to a special cookie made by Mrs. Stephanie Dale.

Finley-Sharon 6th graders, Carsyn B., Briella C., & Macie L. enjoyed an afternoon of fishing at Lynch Lake today. Lucky for them, it was a sunny day & the fish were biting!

Finley-Sharon Senior Spotlight--Damien Evenson, son of Doug & Bressha Evenson

Parents are reminded that all bills (Milkbreak, Lunch, & Afterschool Club) will need to be paid by end of day on the last day of school--May 15th. Log in to PowerSchool to see Milkbreak & Lunch balances or call the school at 701 524-2420. Afterschool Club bills will be sent home on Mon., May 13th. We appreciate your help & cooperation!

It was a big day of rehearsal for the entire cast! We are ready for tomorrow's performance...
Fri., May 10th at 1:30pm in the Babinski Gym. Admission is free, so "Come One! Come All!"

There will be Baccalaureate for our upcoming Finley-Sharon Graduates, Layne Anderson, Dusty Moore, Damien Evenson, Craig Anderson, Jr., Brooks Braun, Emmy Hasbargen on Wed., May 15th at 7:00pm at Finley Lutheran Church. Everyone is welcome! Congrats, 2024!

The NDSU Extension & Finley Library have great summer activities planned for the kids. Be sure to send them!

Summer T-Ball info. is here!

NDSU Extension of Steele County is sponsoring a Fashion Show on June 7th! See the details here!

Today, the entire cast worked hard to prepare for Friday's performance. The Minis (Mini Court, Mini Knights, & Mini Squires) and the Damsels & Camelotians are pictured from their rehearsal!

Finley-Sharon families--there will be info. regarding Finley Pool summer swimming and swimming lessons sent home with students today. The Finley Improvement Association is offering to cover the cost of swimming lessons & family passes to Finley-Sharon students in K-12. Return the form to the school office by May 15th.

Finley-Sharon Senior Spotlight--Layne Anderson, son of Craig & Carrie Anderson & Torina Messner.

All are welcome to join us as we celebrate our Kindergarteners--Wed., May 15th!

The Finley-Sharon students are half-way through their rehearsals for the upcoming performance of "King Arthur's Quest." Everyone is welcome to attend the show on Friday, May 10th at 1:30pm at the Babinski Gymnasium! Please note: A photo session will be held after the show, so no flash photos during the performance. Also, King Arthur's Quest t-shirts are available for purchase from the MCT directors for $18.00 each. Debit & Credit Cards only, please.
Photos-Directors: Amanda Halcott & Hans Pfrang, Assistant Directors: Ryot Evenson & Reonnah Gourneau, King Arthur: Cove Harris, Merlin: Delphine Harris, Taleisin: Paxton, Raven: Teddy Carlson

Finley-Sharon Senior Spotlight--Emmy Hasbargen, daughter of Zach & Alecia Neva and Ryan Hasbargen

Finley-Sharon Senior Spotlight--Dusty Moore, son of Robert & Cheryl Moore

Finley-Sharon Senior Spotlight--Craig Anderson, Jr., son of Craig & Carrie Anderson & Torina Messner.

This morning's "Muffins with Moms" was a huge hit with the Finley-Sharon Kinders, Mrs. Kenfield, and all of the moms. They enjoyed muffins and worked together to create a painted flower pot!

It's that time again to pay bills! Parents, please remember to check PowerSchool or call the school office for any lunch fees that you may owe. Thank you for keeping your accounts current!

Fri., April 26th: V SB Tourney @ Minot--vs Renville Co. 4:00; Saturday vs Beulah 11:00, DLB 5:00