Get your Patriot Football gear here! The link to the team store is open to all fans and is open through August 10th. A reminder too that there is another store for non-football patriot clothing on the MPCG website.
What you've all been waiting for...School Supply Lists for Elem & HS students!
Fall Sports Info. is here! Note the following link to view schedules...
Fees for Finley-Sharon Athletes will be covered by our school.
Sports Physical Forms --
Welcome Back to School Night is planned for Aug. 14th! Meet staff, bring supplies, and pay bills. Forms for Free/Reduced lunch are here...
Good luck to all of the Patriot Track athletes who will be participating at the State Meet this weekend in Bismarck--May 25th-27th. We will be especially cheering on Finley-Sharon's Xyler Carlson (4x200, 4x100, triple jump), Kiaza Carlson (4x200, 4x400, 4x800), Alli Stromsodt (high jump), & Nora Braaten (4x100). The meet will be streamed each day on the NFHS Network. Go, Patriots!
Good luck, Patriots! Regional Softball continues at Thompson on May 22nd & 23rd!
Good luck, Patriots! Regional Baseball continues at Mayville State University on May 22nd, 23rd, & 24th!
Congratulations to our Quarter 4 Honor Roll students!
Finley-Sharon Graduation Commencement will be held on Sunday, May 21st at 2:00pm in the Babinski Gym. Everyone is welcome. Congratulations, Class of 2023!
Drew Ostmo, Justina Carlson, Xyler Carlson, Anna Smith, Bryce Juliuson, Jillian Larson, Drake Hanson, & Allison Stromsodt
Thurs., May 18th: Varsity Baseball games at MPCG-HS vs Sacred Heart 4:30pm Good luck, Patriots!
Thurs., May 18th: JH & JV/Varsity Softball games @ MPCG-HS vs HCV Good luck, girls!
JH-4:30pm ; JV/V-4:30pm
Summer 2023 Patriot Football Camp info is here. Contact Mr. Sola if you have questions!
Mike's bus kids are excited for the last full day of school!
Join us for End of the Year Awards on Wed., May 17th in the Gym!
Elementary Awards--9:15am
High School Awards--10:15am
Money for lunch & afterschool club must be paid before school is dismissed on Wednesday, May 17th. Please check PowerSchool for lunch balances or contact the school office. Afterschool club bills will be sent home with elementary students on Tuesday! Thank you for your help in this matter!
Join us tonight!
F-S Senior Spotlight...Anna Smith, daughter of Julie L. Hanson & Bobby Smith #classof2023
Tues., May 9th: Varsity Softball @ Grafton 1:00pm; Junior High Softball @ Midway 3:00pm Good luck, ladies!
Tues., May 9th: Varsity Baseball @ Hatton 4:00pm; Junior High Baseball @ Binford 4:30 Good luck, boys!
It's a great day for a track meet! Today--RRVC Track Meet @ MPCG-HS 2:00pm Good luck, Patriots!