August 31, 2020
Happy birthday to: --
Congrats to our Spartan football team on their win against Larimore on Friday night!
Please remember to look over the Parent-Student Handbook com...
August 28, 2020
Volleyball Parents -GCC has sent us a link so that you may "register" IMMEDIATE FAMILY to attend the VB matches at Cooperstown on Monday, 8/31/20. For everyone else, the match...
August 28, 2020
Happy birthday to: Saturday: Natalie Fife; Sunday: Ashlee Lundstrom
Spartan Football tonight at Larimore 7:00 pm. There are guidelines for spectators who attend; you will ...
August 27, 2020
Spartan Daily News-Thurs., August 27, 2020
Welcome back!! We are "over the moon" to have you here!
Happy birthday to:
Congrats to our Spartan Football team on thei...
August 26, 2020
Please go to the following link to view the Spectator Guidelines set up by area schools for Athletic Events. Thank you for your cooperation! Spectator Guidelines by School ...
August 26, 2020
Spartan Daily News
Happy birthday to: Joselyn Wenzel
Congrats to our Spartan Football team on their win last Friday night against Hankinson! The team will play at Lari...
August 24, 2020
Elementary Volleyball will start on August 27th. Any girl in grades 4-6 is eligible to play, but must have completed the Physical Form A (grade 4) or Form B (grades 5 & 6 if the...
August 24, 2020
Happy birthday to: Joe Dekker!
Congrats to our Spartan Football team on their win last Friday night against Hankinson! The team will play at Larimore this Friday night.
August 19, 2020
Due to the challenges of the present day, attending an athletic event may not be possible for the fans of our athletes. The Finley-Sharon & Hope-Page Schools are excited to announ...
July 27, 2020
Athletic Physicals
Spartan athletes who had a physical for participation in activities during the 19.20 school year will only need to complete the Physical Form B that is linke...
July 27, 2020
Re-Start Plan Info in the video below. You can also view on facebook by clicking here.